

喜欢甜食的人应该不会拒绝甜中带咸,软韧爽滑,颗颗饱满的牛轧糖吧~ 自己做的牛扎糖,用料干净,没有额外的添加剂和防腐剂,孩子吃的开心,我做的也放心! 和普通的牛扎糖不一样,我的做法有点复杂,但味道真的棒呆啦❤️ -食材- 黄油50g 棉花糖130g 奶粉65g 蛋白30g 蔓越莓干40g(这个可按喜好添加) 步骤一:将黄油提前拿出解冻,放到锅里融化,我是直接放到微波炉里加热2分钟就化开了~

Step one: Melt the butter (or margarine) in a pan over low heat.I melted minein microwave for about 2 minutes. 步骤二:加入棉花糖,用刮刀搅拌至完全溶解

Step two: Stir in the marshmallow until completely dissolved 步骤三:加入奶粉、蛋白、蔓越莓干,再次充分搅拌均匀

Step three: Stir in the remaining ingredients until well combined 步骤四:趁热揉成面团(这个时候的面团是软的)

Step four: Knead the mixture together until it forms a ball

五:把面团放入裱花袋中,在烤盘上挤出形状 (这里可以拉起烤盘上方的盖子,用刮刀帮助造型)

Step five: Shape the dough into long rolls and place on the prepared baking tray. 六:烤箱预热150度,上下火烘焙30分钟左右(期间注意观察,以免烤糊)

Step six: Preheat oven to 150°C/300°F/Gas Mark 2. Bake for approx. 30minutes, checking halfway throughbaking if first bake has gone too long – brownies can easily burn! 七:冷却后密封保存

Step seven: Cool before wrapping. Store in an airtight container for up toa week.
