

从2018年俄罗斯世界杯分组结果看,英格兰与巴西、 Belgium and Scotland 同分在A组,出线形势不容乐观! 作为三狮军团(England)的球迷,我表示很担心... 但是话说回来,足球比赛嘛,一切皆有可能啦~

如果真能杀进决赛,和欧洲兄弟Belgium or Scotland争夺冠军也挺好嘛~(毕竟之前从来没拿过世界杯冠军呢T T) 但要是碰上南美强队Brazil,估计没戏了吧…… 但是,无论最后成绩怎样,希望每个球员都能发挥出自己的最佳水平吧〜 我相信英格兰队一定可以拿出最好的表现来的! 让我们拭目以待吧. 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia is just around the corner! In less than two months, football fans all over the world will be glued to their televisions watching teams battle it out on the international stage for the ultimate prize – The Golden Ball and Cup Trophy in Red Square’s heart, Moscow! So what are you going to do? If your answer was “Watching matches at home with friends” then we have a solution that can bring people together across distances via online video call: Skype Video Calling — perfect for catching up after work or keeping an eye on your favourite team when they’re away from home! To make things even easier, here's how you can use Skype Credit to get free calls/messages/video messaging whenever you want: http://skl.eu/fifa

And remember: It doesn\`t matter where you live, there\'s always room on the pitch for one more!


因为英超的火爆,让其他联赛在足球圈内的影响力大打折扣了…… 我记得我在读大学那会儿,当时中国体育频道经常播放意甲西甲的比赛…… 后来,随着曼联、阿森纳的强势崛起,英超开始霸屏,尤其是曼联和利物浦的冲突,更是成为一时佳话~

那时候的意大利球迷还觉得,这帮土鳖就是笑话,他们连个英超都打不过,而现在的意甲球迷却会告诉你,他们的球队是冠军——所以从这点上可以看出来,时代真的进步了很多…… 从2013年世俱杯决赛到现在的欧洲冠军联赛半决赛来看,世界足坛的发展趋势其实就是一个大趋势,那就是球员越来越职业化,球员们也越来越专业化。
