Birmingham City Centre 市中心是购物的天堂,有Pallasdare, New street and Cripplegate. Pallasdare 和Newstreet 的都是mall的形式,里面有很多名牌店和超市(Tescos)等等,Cripplegate 在City centre的西边偏南一点,是个小商场,东西也不少,而且价钱比别的要便宜许多哦~!在city centre的北边有一个Moseley mall,那里有许多的小商店,适合年轻人去逛。还有就是在city centre的西南方向有一条叫Selly Oak的街,它的东边有许多大大小小的书店,很值得去看看的!再往西走是一条叫Harborne的街,那里的街道古香古色,有许多的咖啡馆和小餐馆;街的附近还有一个公园和一个博物馆,值得一去的哈~~!! 再说说BIRMINGHAM OUTER CITY 吧——Birmingham 离伦敦挺近的,坐火车一个半小时就到了,从Birmingham中央火车站出发,到伦敦有三个车站:Euston,Marylebone,and Liverpool Street 。从那里你可以乘地铁或是公共汽车到伦敦的任何地方了。
下面我就介绍一下我比较喜欢的几个地方 ———
1、The Bullring Mall 这个商场就建在原来的牛圈(bull ring)的位置上。这个商场很大也很漂亮。现在那里已经成了一个购物天地的代名词了!! The Bullring is just opposite to New street Station, go down the stairs there and you can see it in front of your eyes! It's got all kinds of shops: Marks & Spencer, BHS, House of Frasier, Top Shop (in House of Fraser), Boots(drug store)H&M, Primark and many other things! It also has a multi-screen cinema, an entertainment complex with restaurants, bars and cafes! You will never get bored here if you spend time here! And every day at noon ,the big clock on top of one building rings out! This place is very fun but expensive too so I think it’s not good for student like us who have little money. But we can still buy food or drink from H&M,Primark...or watch movies in Cinemas. We could come here when we are tired after hard study because this mall gives people lots of joy! I love this place, especially during Christmas season which lasts two months long. They decorate the whole area beautifully with lights and snowmen etc. If you want to be really excited about christmas, then go into Birmingham city centre between December and January! There were always hundreds of people walking around looking at all the beautiful decorations! In the centre was a huge Santa Claus, he looked amazing standing amongst thousands of coloured twinkling lights!!
2、Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 我最喜欢的地方就是这个美术馆啦~ 因为在这里可以学到很多东西呢~~~嘻嘻……它是在1839年建立的,距今已有两百多年的历史了呢~所以这里的东西很多都很珍贵呢!它是英国第二大美术馆之一,这里有许多画家的真迹哟~当然也有雕塑什么的啦,这里的展品非常丰富而且质量很高呢!!最重要的是这里的展览是不收费的哦!!!学生票只要50便士